Magnified Healing is a vibrational healing system and one of the newest forms of healing available. The attunement that is given by a practitioner assists the client to create the energy with the Universe so that you become the energy. You are a co-creator. This enables you to continue the process on your own. Magnified Healing assists in releasing all energy imbalances. The healing embraces all levels, Physical, Emotional, Mental, Etheric and spiritual.
This is another healing system that utilizes energies through channeling. It is practiced with breathing techniques, movements of the hand on the principles of sacred geometry, and affirmations are spoken out loud. With this, all your Chakras become balanced and focused in the heart and you become the Magnified Healing energy.
Magnified Healing occurs through balancing the spiritual centers (the Chakras). It fully integrates all modalities. From breath and sound to movement, the seeker is actively, consciously engaged in the process. The healer is merely a facilitator, allowing the participant to continue on the healing process without further assistance. (Unique to Magnified Healing are the release of Karma and preparation for Ascension.)
Magnified Healing includes meditation for empowerment, alignment of spiritual centers, clearing of the light channel, sensitizing and awakening the nervous system, healing the earth and karma, expansion of the threefold flame to build the Light Body, and preparation for ascension. Specially prepared Magnified Healing essences are used at the time of initiation to orchestrate and seal the energies into perfect synthesis.
The actual healing takes about 20-25 minutes for individual sessions. Magnified Healing can also be done for a large number of people in cases of emergencies and major catastrophes such as a plane crash or an earthquake. Each person caught in such a disaster might not survive, but Magnified healing is bound to ease his suffering and provide relief.
In Magnified Healing, the entire energy flows through the body and that which is not required is sent to the violet fire for transmutation. The color of Magnified Healing is lavender: a blend of the pink light of the heart center, blue of the throat center, and blue-white of the third eye center. [Magnified Healing History]
The Ascended Masters of the Hierarchy, composed of those beings who have transcended matter, supervise the healing of the earth. Kwan Yin is one such master who also represents feminine energy and balance. In fact, myth has it that Kwan Yin was born as a male who later transformed herself into a female since the male body lacked the feminine essence. She is revered as Tara in Tibet and Korea. She is also supposed to be a disciple of the Buddha from whom she received the violet flame.
Vibrational medicine will be the medicine of the future, for conventional medicine is losing its flair among the populace because certain remedies and medications are no longer working. As our physical bodies continue to change to embrace the light, these remedies of a very dense vibration will no longer serve us. Vibrational medicine recognizes the whole being of the individual, including the subtle bodies, which are very important in healing disease within all the bodies.