Art Therapy (Advanced Level Program)

Art Therapy Workshop – Advanced Level Program Presented by Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma and Team Course Description: Art Therapy; Transformative Healing Approach: It’s not impertinent to mention here that art therapy doesn’t require any artistic talent or ability whatsoever. Actually, it’s not about painting a masterpiece or showing off one’s skills. In art therapy sessions,...



Art Therapy Workshop - Advanced Level Program Presented by Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma and Team

Course Description:

Art Therapy; Transformative Healing Approach:

It’s not impertinent to mention here that art therapy doesn’t require any artistic talent or ability whatsoever. Actually, it’s not about painting a masterpiece or showing off one’s skills. In art therapy sessions, the emphasis is on your inner experience —your feelings, emotions, conflicts, perceptions and imagination.

Here the objective is all about developing and expressing images that come from inside the person, rather than those he or she sees in the outside world.

In this workshop, you will be learning two major components: “art as therapy & art psychotherapy“. In ” art as therapy,” you as a client would create art as a way to identify and release emotions that you’ve been holding inside. In ” art psychotherapy,” your therapist would analyze the art that you create to develop insight into your psychological issues and emotions.

Benefits / Applications Art therapy

It can be beneficial in a wide range of emotional challenges. Art therapy sessions can be conducted individually, with couples or families, or in a group setting. This particular form of therapy works with individuals of all ages – from young children to elderly adults and even for various mental health conditions.
Intuitive Painting: Intuitive painting requires authentic self-expression. So if you truly want to be remarkable you must first learn how to be yourself; this means living authentically with a deep sense of who you are and what you have to offer. Art therapy truly can become a gateway to living authentic lives.

Benefits of Intuitive Painting:

1. As you cultivate your authentic creative flow it becomes easier to let go of your inner critic.

2. When you use more of your right brain you invite insight and discover inner wisdom from your subconscious mind.

3. When you let your brush move spontaneously, you discover an authentic painting "style" that is beyond any kind of learned technique.

4. When you paint authentically, you generate self-love and self-compassion.

5. Becoming aware of how you think, feel and speak is essential for living an empowered life. Intuitive art is actually about the mirror reflection of your inner world, and it will help you to redefine yourself.

6. So much of your emotional and psychological healing has come through intuitive art-making. In this advanced course of art therapy, you will be guided with subconscious mind exercises or guided imagery to support you in looking more deeply into why you are emotionally hurting yourself. This helps you understand and heal toxic patterns in your significant relationships. If you are curious about exploring art making as a modality for emotional and psychological healing of your relationships and life this workshop is definitely for you.

7. Each day if you integrate art therapy into your life, you will be able to understand not only the deeper meaning of your art but also will be able to discover unique solutions or breakthroughs in your challenging life situations.

8. Honest creative art expression will awaken your innate healing abilities by bringing the light of truth into your personal darkness.

9. Art therapy especially can be highly beneficial for females as it can help them get in touch with femininity expression. We strongly believe that the menstrual cycle governs the flow not only of fluids but of information and creativity. We receive and process information differently at different times in our cycles. Creative expression of the artwork at different stages of the cycle can help you in healing many of your menstrual problems. Indeed, the menstrual cycle itself mirrors how consciousness becomes matter and how thought creates reality.

Duration- 8 hrs
Special discounted pricing - Rs. 10,000/-

For any assistance, please reach us at [email protected] or call us at 98992016457


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