Diploma Program of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression

Be a Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Past Life regression Practitioner with Diploma Course of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression Therapy Following levels are taught under the course: Level 1: Basic Clinical Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis for Beginners) ● Understanding Hypnosis ● Human Mind ● Principles and Techniques of Induction ● Hypnotic Trance ● Personality and...



Be a Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Past Life regression Practitioner with
Diploma Course of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression Therapy
Following levels are taught under the course:

Level 1: Basic Clinical Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis for Beginners)

● Understanding Hypnosis
● Human Mind
● Principles and Techniques of Induction
● Hypnotic Trance
● Personality and its Application in Hypnosis
● Planning and Conducting a Hypnosis Session
● Ethical Issues
● Self Hypnosis: Concept, purpose, laws, process, and applications
● Techniques of Self Hypnosis and Hypnotic Meditation

Level 2: Advanced Hypnosis

● Hypnotic Modalities
● Ericksonian Hypnosis
● Kappasinian Hypnosis
● Visualization and Imagery
● Dream Therapy
● Hypno-diagnostic Tools: Suggestion Therapy; Hypno-analysis; Paris window;
Corrective Therapy; Ideomotor response; Hypno aids, Hypnodrama
● Child Hypnosis
● Dealing the issues like Phobia, bed wetting, thumb sucking, study habits, anxiety
● Use of the techniques like; Circle Therapy, Desensitization, Age Regression and Inner
Child Work.

Level 3: Clinical Hypnosis

● Medical Model of Hypnosis
● Disease: Origin and Mind –Body Connections
● First Consultation
● Counselling Interview
● Writing Scripts
● Family System approach
● Psychological Disorders
● Healing- Low Blood Sugar, Eating Disorder, Substance Abuse, and Crisis Interventions
● Self Concept
● Defense Mechanisms
● General Self-Improvement
● Habit Control
● Promoting the Professional work
● Sexuality: Types of sexuality; development of Sexuality and Priorities as per sexuality
● Healthy Communication
● Relationship Counselling
● Sexual Dysfunction; Erectile Dysfunction and Frigidity

Level 4: Past Life Regression

Vishwas Healing Center's past life regression program– gives you a bigger trajectory for your
life and spiritual evolution than you may have ever imagined possible.
During this richly transformative program, you’ll discover:
● Who you are as a soul and why you’re here now
● The purpose of the mother, father and family you were born into
● concept of soulmates and twinflames
● How to tap into your intuition, which is visual, physical, auditory, cognitive and
● How to recognize unresolved past life circumstances
● How to embrace past life accomplishments
● How your soul can communicate with your loved ones who remain in body
● The meaning of karma and dharma
● and how to explore these elements in your life today
● How we incarnate in soul family, and how to meet members of your family
● How life circumstances, including illness, are meant to enhance your tenacity and evolution
● Ways to take charge of your current life to make decisions in alignment with your thoughts and feelings and passions
● In addition to the past life regression process you will learn Accessing Spirit Guides and Masters, Higher Self as well as Inner Advisor. Together with foreign energy clearance process.
● And much more!

Benefits of Diploma Program from Vishwas Healing Centre

● This workshop teaches the principles and practice of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression. Accurate information on the safe, effective use of clinical hypnosis is presented.

As you are aware, Clinical Hypnotherapists you try to access the subconscious mind to help clients to overcome wide range of psychological and physical problems including: phobias, depression, sleep disorders, weight management, lack of confidence, stress-related conditions etc. During this workshop you will learn how to induce a state of deep relaxation, and then make suggestions in the subconscious mind to alter negative patterns of thought and behavior. This apart, the widest variety of induction styles, suggestibility testing methods and deepening techniques. This ensures that even the most analytical client achieves a therapeutic trance state.

During this phase of the hypnotherapy training, you will learn how to address the original, Subconscious/unconscious motivators of negative feelings, attitudes and behavior and then transform them. You will study and perform analytical hypnotherapy, regression therapy techniques, dialoguing techniques, emotional
clearing and attitude restructuring. Age-regression therapy is an integral part of this hypnotherapy training module.


● Our intention is to make this courses widely available to all those with a genuine desire to assist others and themselves to make effective changes in their lives.
● This Clinical Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression workshop will addresses various aspects of one's life such as : relationships conflicts, how to get out of victimization or martyrdom, how to enhance intimacy in significant relationships, what is the pathway to happiness & peaceful relationships, this apart understanding oneself better- what are your needs, values & how can you live your truest self.
● We are constantly striving to ensure that all of the techniques we teach are of the highest quality, meaning that everything we do is delivered to the best possible standard.
● We pride ourselves on the fact that our course content globally can be practiced and is always cutting-edge and highly functional, which means you can integrate all of the knowledge that you learn into your own clinical  hypnotherapy practice, thereby offering the best possible solution for your prospective clients from diverse walks of life & cultures. Indeed this program gives you the highest chance of success in any given situation. And we strongly believe that becoming Hypnotherapist is more than just a "job" in the wellness industry - but it's a lifestyle.

Clinical Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression Diploma Course (Crash Course Program) - Shorter Version

Offline Format - Rs. 75,000/- 5 days
Online Format (2 hrs Daily) - Rs. 50,000/- - 15 Days
Clinical Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression Diploma Course (Full Program)
Offline Format
Rs. 3,00,000/- 30 days
Rs. 6,00,000/ - 60 days
Rs. 9,00,000/- 90 days
Online Format (2 hrs Daily)
Rs. 1,50,000/- - 3 months
Rs. 3,50,000/ - 6 months
Rs. 6,50,000/- 1 year


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