Smokey Quartz Crystal

This Quartz Crystal helps to Reach a Higher State of Consciousness. This is also known as "SUCCESS" CRYSTAL. Releases Negative Emotions Like Jealousy, Fear, And Anger.



Smokey Quartz Crystal is a Light Brown to deep smokey grey colored With Seven Different Small Beads Crystals.
It’s Attuned 3 Days in Vishwas Healing Centre Of Full Moon Energies, spiritual powers, and siddhi.
Masters And Healers Are Given Positive Energies And Affirmations. There is special process of attunement followed.
The Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone.
This Quartz Crystal helps to Reach a Higher State of Consciousness. This is also known as "SUCCESS" CRYSTAL. The Smoky Quartz Crystal Is Your Stepping Stone to vibrate at your full potential because it works to Release Negative Emotions Like Jealousy, Fear, And Anger.
Protection Against Negative Radiations, Pain And Mental STRESS resulting in harmony, success and protection.

Note: Shipping charge would be extra as applicable

Original price was: ₹1,400.00.Current price is: ₹1,100.00.

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