Marriage is a life-long commitment. Premarital Counseling is a therapy that serves to help couples prepare for the wedlock. It aids in ensuring that you and your partner forge a healthy and a strong relationship in the long run making way for a successful, happy and a satisfying marriage. It also helps you in spotting out the weaknesses early that can later magnify into troubles muddling up your conjugal life. The sessions are usually conducted by licensed and qualified therapists when a couple is considering marriage or are about to get into marriage.

Why is pre-marital counseling at all necessary?

  • Matching all Aspects: 

    Through this sort of counseling, couples are motivated to initiate conversation pertaining to marriage such as anger management, devoting time for each other, decision-making, family relationships, parenting and children, sex and affection, marital roles, ethics and beliefs, communication and finances.

  • Communication and Conflict Resolution: 

    Pre-marital Counseling helps partners in improving their ability to communicate with each other, setting sensible marriage goals, as well as skillfully resolving conflicts. In addition to these, premarital counseling also seeks to create a positive attitude for your conjugal life.

  • Acclimatizing: 

    Remember that you carry your own history, opinions, and values in a relationship and they might vary with your partner who has had an entirely different life with their own and unique experiences. Adjusting to each other as different human beings can be quite a task in itself. Marriage counseling helps in acclimatizing, accepting to the bad and good parts of both the partners.

  • Becoming a support for each other: 

    Most people rush into marriage to gratify their financial, social, emotional, and sexual needs, but such a mind set is always a gamble. You may hit it off greatly with you partner and then have troubles later on. Clearing out your expectations and bridging the differences prior to marriage would enhance your understanding of each other. This way you can become a source of great support for each other.

  • Break the pattern: 

    Both or one of you might belong to a divorced or a dysfunctional family where manipulation and fighting was the norm. Premarital Counseling can actually help you to come out of your fear and make peace with your past so that the mistakes of your parents aren’t repeated in your life.

  • Averting divorce: 

    Owing to the modern lifestyle, the chances of divorce are rising with each passing day. Therefore, early intervention is indeed the need of the hour. Premarital counseling can help you pinpoint areas of major concern and work to resolve them or work around them to avoid issues which may balloon and end up in a worst case scenario for a marriage, which is divorce.

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