Dr. Pooja said – “Society strives towards balance. You can’t be sensitive to one section of society and insensitive towards the other.”
And it’s, indeed, high time to support those who has done the supporting till now.

We know about how a person going through like OCD, depression, schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders suffers. But there is another person who suffers along with him.  That person can be the spouse, the child or the parent, and for them maintaining that relationship becomes quite difficult.  Along with everyday stress, whether it’s work, career, etc. the person also feels the burden of the relationship.

And today, we are going to talk about that person.

Every relationship works on give and take and it’s not one person’s responsibility to carry the relationship forward. We need every day efforts to maintain the relationship.

Sometimes the above mentioned conditions make the work much harder, putting the person under tremendous stress and tension. And how is that person who is taking care and responsibility of the person who is suffering from mental illness is affected?

  • Low confidence and self – esteem

    When the effort you make doesn’t make them happy, or when, despite your efforts, you can’t cheer them up, it’s important to remember it is not your fault. Usually the person takes the role of “caretaker” and thus, tend to feel that they should be able to “fix” this issue.

  • Stress/ Anxiety

    It is not unusual to feel sad or lonely when you are living a person who is suffering from the mental illness and lost in their own world. People, when they don’t take care of their own health, tend to develop stress and anxiety due the uncertainty of the behavior of the person they are living with.

  • Compromising their own social life

    All the social events that you cancel because you know at that time THEY need you more. All the people you cut off from your life because they couldn’t deal with them……. compromising your relations with people. Not giving yourself the time to socialize. We, humans, are social animals and this IS our basic need, ignoring this will isolate you from your support circle when you really need it when dealing with stressful situation at home.

  • Disruption in one’s own schedule

    Many times you put the other person before yourself as and when needed, putting your work aside to give them the time and attention that they need.

  • Feeling of guilt

    Triggering a person unknowingly at home or even sometimes making time for yourself can make a person feel guilty.

  • Suppressing emotions

    Is it really possible to be completely happy when you know the person beside you is not well? Is it possible to be completely sad when you feel that there is other person you need to take care of before yourself?

Such situations cause suppression of emotions, where you don’t show or feel that you can’t express your emotions, feelings completely. And thus damaging your own mental health.

Modern Tool To Manage Stress And Anxiety

  • Safety and security concerns

    Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia are four to six times more likely to commit a violent crime than the general population. (International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health, 2015).

In extreme cases, people living with someone who suffers through psychotic disorders are also in danger of the person being violent and abuse. Every day people feel unsafe in their own homes and with their own family members.

In such a scenario, it’s crucial to take care of your own mental health. Make yourself a priority too. Not only for yourself but for all the people who care about you, the people whose lives you touch every day.

And remember –

“There is a very special person you should think and greet every day. And that person is – You.” – Dr. Pooja

P.s. – This post is inspired by the stories shared with Dr. Pooja by the family members of the people who are going through OCD, depression, schizophrenia and more. We thank them for coming forward and sharing their stories and becoming an inspiration for each and every one of us.

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