Open yourself to an encounter with heaven, be as a little child. Release your desire to the winds of the universe. Trust your angels to catch your wish and bring it to you in a delightfully surprising way.- Doreen Virtue

    The word Angel is derived from the ancient Greek  word  “Angelo”  meaning  ‘messenger’. Angels are created by God to serve humanity, to uplift human consciousness into higher consciousness, they are the messenger between heaven and the physical world.

    Angels are the divine beings who love to help us, guide us and support us in our lives. To help us in fulfilling our life purpose. But it’s important  to understand that everyone of us has Free Will, so though the angels continuously shower us with unconditional love all the time, they cannot help us if do not ask them.

    Through Angel Therapy, we learn how to communicate with the Angels, not only that we learn to recognize the signs, symbols angels use to guide us through crucial times. Some symbols are used to guide us and tell us that we are on the right path, some symbols warn us that we might be diverting from our life purpose. It’s up to us to recognize the signs and symbols.

    There are many angels and archangels, who have different “departments” to handle. Like Archangel Michael for Protection, Archangel Jophiel for matters related to Feminine energies, Archangel Gabriel for Children and Parenting, Archangel Raphael for Healing and more. Learning which angel deals with which issue and how to invoke, request that angel is an important step.

    There are many rituals that learned in the workshop for strengthening your connection with the angels. Rituals for healing, for protection, for abundance, for happiness.

    Angel Therapy – a must for Healers.

    The more you connect with the divine energies, no doubt that your healing also sees a very positive shift. Invoking angels for particular issues helps in dealing with it in a much quicker manner. You can work with specific angel for specific chakra, for particular issues, creating a divinely healing experience not only for yourself but also for the recipient of healing.

    Why should one go for Angel Therapy?

    • To bring more optimism into your life
    • To empower people in achieving their goals
    • To motivate people to move forward in their lives
    • To attract abundance
    • To open communication between the receiver and their guardian angels
    • Helping people deal with their stress and anxiety
    • To increase positivity in world around you
    • To release Karmic debt
    • To enhance creativity
    • To raise your vibrations
    • To receive angelic protection
    • To understand the meaning of angel symbols

    Ways of Angels!

    • Angel Numbers – 111, 222, 333, 1212 and more are the ways through which angels communicate with us. Every number holds different meaning and frequency, learn to understand their meanings.
    • Is there a song that’s on repeat in your mind? Or even you surroundings? Learn to understand the message.
    • Angel Colours – Do you feel you are seeing one or more colours on repeat? Every angel has a specific colour, learn what angel is near you and what do they want to say.
    • For healers, while healing, do you feel a divine presence? Or see colours? It can be presence of an Angel. Learn what it it means right away.
    • Angel Cards – Angels Cards are one way where communicate with angels and receive message.

    We also need to understand that when we talk about angels it’s not about religion, they are pure divine energy beings.

    The sole purpose of an Angel is to serve divine will; they will always be happy to provide you with wisdom, self-understanding, and reassurance.

    We invite you on this five day journey in the Angelic Realm from the comfort of your homes. Experience the divinity with this Angel Workshop.

    We introduce you to Angels in the Angel Therapy Whatsapp Workshop and for deeper work, we invite you to join our Advanced Level Angel Therapy Workshop.

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