Emotional Decoding And Life Skills

Nowadays, you believe that people are interchangeable. Quick are you to think, “He is no good or She is no good, I will dump him or I will dump her and find someone else.” And quicker are you to find new people who displays the exact same; if not worse, tendencies as the one you...



Nowadays, you believe that people are interchangeable. Quick are you to think, “He is no good or She is no good, I will dump him or I will dump her and find someone else.” And quicker are you to find new people who displays the exact same; if not worse, tendencies as the one you just left. You are often taught to be independent, and this is an incredible discipline; you are self-made and self-sustainable. But taken to the extreme, this attitude is guaranteed to interfere in your significant relationships.

In this Workshop Emotion Decoding & Life Skills, you will understand in-depth that no one can be exchanged for anyone else. Your partner or your family or someone significant in your life is not a pair of pants, or gown you picked up at Zara or from Forever 18. That person was placed in your life for a greater reason in divine timing. He or she is a human being brimming with flaws and awful failings, but also abounding with potential integrity. Abandoning someone just because they require a bit of inner repair work is not a right choice. You do, too. This is not to say that you should ever settle for an unhealthy situation, but a successful relationship entails honest work and the payoff can be extraordinarily rewarding in terms of not just finding, but keeping, long-term love. And this is definitely possible from the wisdom that you may gain from this workshop.

In this program we talk about how to enhance your emotional intelligence and how to understand your relationships in depth. Relationships perhaps is one of the concepts that we can’t ignore. Each one of us are building and creating relationships on every single day basis and we all know the value how it contributes towards our overall development. Without relationships not even a single day the human species can survive and perhaps with relationships we can build a better community and a better world. So, keeping all these major elements of life we have come up with this workshop.

This workshop is about decoding emotions so that you can enhance better communication and create a better trust. Indeed with this workshop you can have a better communication with your partner and loved ones, better communication with your family.

As we are very much aware that many of us are often getting stuck in our day to day conversations with family and friends. And when this communications hinders or communications goes in a wrong track we often end up having conflicts and these conflicts often puts us into such emotion dilemma challenges and perhaps huge amounts of stress that actually controls our life.

We know very well how the stress affects and leads several kinds of illness. Several things get affected in our life so, keeping these aspects we should be now aware that we definitely need something, a tool to save our relationships because challenges we can’t avoid, challenges will continue to exist till the last breath of our life. But overcoming these challenges needs some steps & strategy. And these strategies are available. #VishwasHealingCentre is going to mentor you with these strategies. These strategies are called Life Skills. Life Skill is something that each one of you whether you are students, you are an adult, or you are in your old ages you may need it. These Life Skills are something like blueprint which you need at several stages of life. If you feel life is tough, relationships are difficult, complex at times, and even feel pressurised and stressed, “LEARN THE LIFE SKILLS”.

Benefits & Outcomes of our Emotion Decoding & Life Skills Workshop

  • Managing Ego & Dealing Criticism.

  • Proficiency in decoding your emotions using emotional intelligence.

  • Resolving the conflicts & creating better understanding in relationships.

  • Discovering new perspectives to soften the toxic effects of upsetting circumstances.

  • And last but not the least, mentoring you with dialectical behaviour therapy as a life skill you may need in-order to create meaningful chapters in your life.

Eligibility for Emotion Decoding & Life Skills Workshop

  • One who is keen towards adding a skill set called Dialectical Behavior therapy for having a better control of one’s emotions for creating a better lifestyle.

  • Psychology students & practitioners

  • Alternative Healing Practitioners.All the women & men, across the world who value their significant relationships. And even their intention & focus in life is towards releasing past pain, old patterns, and resentment for creating meaningful chapters.

Duration: 1 Day

For any assistance, please reach us at [email protected] or call us at 98992016457


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