Integrated Hypnotherapy And Past Life Regression Therapy (Diploma Course)
Vishwas Healing Centre INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM OF HYPNOTHERAPY & PAST LIFE REGRESSION STUDIES Much of our work in training programs or in our Workshops of Clinical Hypnotherapy is about getting you to stop being logical and practical, So it’s important to have a realistic [plan and a backup plan, but the start of the plan has...
Much of our work in training programs or in our Workshops of Clinical Hypnotherapy is about getting you to stop being logical and practical, So it’s important to have a realistic [plan and a backup plan, but the start of the plan has to begin from your subconscious mind. In this training program of Clinical Hypnotherapy you will be made to discover what you really love to experience and manifest if anything were possible. Once you are able to figure out your subconscious mind will be aligned so that you might find the way to get there. Don’t let your subconscious mind make you form believe system such as you are too old, you are too young this will never work , who do you think you are what people think etc. So taking the journey of the subconscious mind is greatly beneficial for you to reprogram these faulty belief systems. Let’s transform and rediscover your purpose and heal your life. You are worth it.
Course Overview
Basic Hypnosis
Auto Hypnosis
Contemporary Hypnosis
Hypno Counseling
Emotional Freedom Technique
Clinical Hypnosis
Fertility Hypnosis
Menstrual Wellness
Marital/ Premarital Counseling
Psychosexual disorders
Past Life Regression
Higher Order Guidance (Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Inner Advisor)
Foreign Energy Management (Spirit Release)
Inner Child Work (Soul Retrieval)
Basic Hypnosis(level-1):
3 days
- Introduction to Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Unraveling the subconscious mind
- Inner Child Work
- Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique
- Origins of EFT, Background and Efficacy
- Tapping Basics (Setup and Sequence)
- Handling Excessive Emotional Intensity
- Movie/Tell the Story Technique and Introduction to Working with Trauma
- EFT for Aches/Pains and working with "emotional contributors"
- EFT for Cravings
- EFT for Self-Care: The Personal Peace Procedure
- Infertility & Gyne problems;
- Fertility Hypnosis
- Treatment with Emotional Freedom Technique
- Endometriosis, PCOS, infertility issues, severe PMS
- Fertility Challenges Medical perspective
- Get pregnant naturally
- Being more optimistic, overcoming anxiety and stress-free during IVF
- Feel more comfortable and safe during your pregnancy
- Diminish cravings for unhealthy food and addictive substances
- Overcoming physical discomfort or pain related to pregnancy symptoms.
- General relaxation during your pregnancy and birth
- Increase your energy levels prenatally and during labor
- Increase your chances of having a normal delivery
- Overcoming anxiety and focused towards reducing labor pain.
- Release and transform painful, uncomfortable or “toxic” emotions like anxiety, sadness, anger, guilt, frustration, etc.
- Enhancing confidence, self-esteem and peace
- Resolving relationship challenges that may stand in the way of healthy family interactions.
- Confidentiality and Healthy Boundaries
Clinical Hypnosis(level-2):
8 days
Medical Model of Hypnosis such as;
- Pain Management
- Hypno-Analysis;
- Healing Processes relating such as treatment of Fears, Phobias,
- Bed Wetting,
- Sexual Dysfunction,
- Eating Disorder,
- Weight Management
- Smoking, Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, Psychological Disorders including Clinical Depression
- Premarital/ Marital Counseling
- Domestic Violence
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- The Movie/Tell the Story Technique
- Abreactions
- Rapport Skills
- Limiting Beliefs
- Identifying and handling Core Issues and the “Tabletops” Metaphor
- Handling Specific Past Events, and the “Table Legs” Metaphor
- Intuition
- Integrating Cognitive Shifts (Client Reframes)
- Introduction to Reframing (Practitioner Reframes)
- Introduction to Tapping with Children
- Introduction to Surrogate Tapping
- Surrogate Hypnosis
Past Life Regression(level-3):
10 days
- EFT & Inner child
- Long-term Physical and/or Emotional Issues
- More on Core Issues, Reframing etc.
- EFT as a trauma informed approach
- In addition to the past life regression process you will learn Accessing Spirit Guides and Masters, Higher Self as well as Inner Advisor.
- Complicated and karmic lifetimes.
- Integrations Core Issue exploration
- Together with the Spirit Release process.
- Life Between Life Regression
You Learn:
- Ten Techniques of Hypnosis
- Seven Techniques of Self Hypnosis
- Different healing processes
- Past Life Regression and other aforesaid Metaphysical Processes
One emotional / psychological issue you are currently facing will be solved through Past Life Regression during your training itself.
Advanced Levels
Level 4
12 Days
Life between Life Regression
- Crossover from a past life to enter the soul memories between lives
- Life review & understanding karmic journeys with spirit guides, angel guides, ascended masters etc.
- Access Soul Groups to review lives, body choices and more karmic understandings
- Access the Soul Council to resolve emotional, physical, psychological issues through spiritual lessons.
- Links between soul groups and people in this life
- Reincarnation into this life and the experiences of entering the unborn; incarnation trauma etc.
- Visiting various stages of life planning.
- Know exactly how you chose your current life script and body.
- Life Lessons & Purpose
- Integration of the experience into the client’s present life
- Understand your relationship conflicts
- Expanding your spiritual growth
Level 5
12 Days
Transpersonal Regression
- Reincarnation patterns
- Accident Trauma Release
- Natal and Prenatal Trauma experiences
- Life Plan and Life Choices
- Parental and Ancestral Attachments
- Traumatic and Hangover Lifetimes
- Painful and Limited Lifetimes
- Confused, Unnoticed, Overwhelming Deaths;
- Positive Lifetimes and Shy Lifetimes
- Dealing cathartic experiences & pseudo-obsessors
- Homing Sessions
Duration:- 1 Month
By joining this masterclass you will realize how past experiences may have shaped the present life and you can let go your darkest emotions with wisdom and awareness. Also this masterclass surely paves the way for you to walk on a new path for a magnificent life you truly deserve.
Note: The students need to prepare and submit 10 cases under the supervised guidance of their instructor after completion of the course in order to qualify for DIPLOMA IN Hypnotherapy And Past Life Regression Therapy.
For details & registration Call/WhatsApp at +919899201645, +919911401645