We could establish the importance of spirituality in every individual’s life but the main question is when does one start developing one’s spirituality? Just as learning a new art, childhood is the best time, in the same way, childhood can become the stepping stone toward an individual being spiritual. But how can a child know about the concept of spirituality? For a child to indulge in spiritual practices, the parents should be aware and be spiritual themselves.
So, if you are a parent who wants your child to adapt to spirituality in their life, ask yourself this question, “Am I spiritually aware myself?”. “Children are like sponges they will absorb what their surrounding provides.” Hence, the parents must be careful of what their children are being exposed to.
For Example:
Read Blog Parenting Tweens
As a parent, are you aware of the purpose that you have? Are you aware of your role in your child’s life? An answer to those questions can help you begin the spiritual journey with your child. A very important fact to remember is to never confuse religion and spirituality. They are two separate concepts. Yes, in a country like ours, it is difficult to see the differences because our religion is based on spirituality. But to know the difference, we need to look deeper into the scriptures of the saints and sages and not only look into the divinity of it. Even while reading the stories of our Gods and Goddesses, we must look more into the values and morals they provide with or without devotion. The existence of Gods and Goddesses in our scriptures doesn’t make it mandatory for us to be devotional and sacrificial towards them. We can simply be spiritual and learn from their stories instead of always being devotional. You need to understand and accept that your child does not need to be devotional or religious to become spiritual.
Your role as a parent is to introduce your child to the lifestyle of spirituality and with time, they will find their path albeit different from yours, but a path all the same. But you need to begin your spiritual journey for your child to follow, hence, start the foundation today with yourself.
There are some points for parents:-
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